I like the flexibility of the word f**K, which in one sentence can be used as all parts of speech - noun, verb, adjective, adverb. And then you can insert the word into others, i.e. unf**king believable, or make up entirely new words. F**kedy, f**k, is a repeated phrase in the movie Four Wedding and a Funeral. I once made a New Year's Resolution to use the word more in creative and entertaining ways and made up my own word f**ckles, but have not yet overcome my sense of propriety - note the use of the asterisks.

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To each their own! Thanks for the note, Liza. I applaud your interest and how you show up in support of this fine word.

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Apr 19Liked by Scott Dikkers

I’ve seen a couple of recent clips of comedians flirting with the word “retarded”. When I was a teen, it was a word used to describe your friend doing something incredibly stupid and was divorced from comparing them to those with special needs. In fact if you used it to refer to someone with special needs, then that made you the word. I can do without it. But I’m not “canceling” someone who is trying to redefine it or find a creative application for it.

I think people sometimes cannot distinguish the subject and the target of a joke which has caused some comedians to get canceled. But, as you pointed out, there are some that are targeting the marginalized and they are fine with the “woke” canceling them because now they have safe havens like The Joe Rogan Show, Ben Shapiro and Jordan Petersen.

To each their own. Ad subjective as comedy is, it makes sense to find the audience that will accept your brand whether it is punching up, down or laterally.

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I appreciate the thoughts, Bob. I doubt history will be kind to those going anti-woke. It's like saying, "Fuck you, go to hell" instead of "Hello, how do you do" when they meet someone. They argue that they have a right to say the latter, which they do, but where does that get them? We have social conventions for a reason. We make these little social rules about how to talk and how to behave, and we break them at our peril.

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Apr 19Liked by Scott Dikkers

A delusion that the anti-woke culture suffers from is that they believe they are the marginalized ones & that their targets are the powerful. This just shows a (willful) ignorance of history.

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yes indeed. to the privileged, equality feels like oppression.

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Apr 19Liked by Scott Dikkers

I agree! Comedy that is intended to hurt the marginalized isn’t comedy to me - it’s bullying.

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Apr 19Liked by Scott Dikkers

Being awake to the pain and needs of others is something human beings cherish. This is why Scrooge starts out anti-woke and leaves the audience with happy tears at the end of “A Christmas Carol.” He becomes woke and it’s a timeless favorite. Using shock in humor can be fun, but ask Kathy Griffin, the target of a conservative backlash, if she would do “the photo” again. Insulting our buddies in a group is fun, but when we know our friends really well, including their secrets, we know the difference between a zinger that pokes fun and language or topics that wound or cross a moral line (like the dismembering of a president). I love sick humor (why don’t Challenger astronauts take showers?), but in the end, Scott makes a good point. Be offensive to those who have been marginalized or mistreated at your own peril. Leave ‘‘em laughing, not fuming. When I saw John Cleese a few months ago, he did some anti-woke jokes that shocked me, and not in a good way. It violated the image in my mind of a guy who punched up.

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I appreciate thee insights, Ken! It's sad the wya John Cleese has gone on this. Bitter old man syndrome.

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I'm not sure about whether or not the F-word originated as the acronym "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge" to punish sexual deviants or not, but, if it did, it would explain why people are wary of using it.

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