Jun 28Liked by Scott Dikkers

At 27717 words into my novel and still reading up on humor (11 books read and 1 more about to finish).

The funny thing is that I have no idea how funny it is but I'm having fun cranking out the first draft.

So who cares?

Rumor goes that it's in the revision where the magic of uplifting happens.

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You're a one percenter, Leonardo! Congratulations. When it comes to novels, revisions are absolutely where the magic happens. Have fun!

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Jun 28Liked by Scott Dikkers

One of the funny things, Scott, is that at least in two of the books I've been reading on humor, your name comes up.

I wonder why.

Must be a funny name. ::-)

Is it an acronym?

Seriously Comedically OuT There.

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Now you have me curious what those books are!

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Jun 29Liked by Scott Dikkers

I’m working on a book too. Maybe 4k words in. Thank you Scott for your encouragement about a month back. Also funny story, walked into a used bookstore at University of Virginia last week and Our Dumb Century was the first book I saw. Best, Pete

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Awesome - keep on writin', Pete!

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Jun 29Liked by Scott Dikkers

1) Humor, Seriously: Why Humor Is a Secret Weapon in Business and Life (And how anyone can harness it. Even you.)

by Jennifer Aaker, Naomi Bagdonas.

I went looking for the other one but maybe I saw your name in this one in different places, and as I've been on a humor-how-to reading-binge (seems there's such a thing) it felt like I'd read it in more than one book.

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Jun 28Liked by Scott Dikkers

Thanks Scott, made me feel special like this was for me. So funny how reading something, then giving it meaning like, wow just for me. Meaning making machines we are. Writing today after last night debate, inspired by the debate that I have chance to be president. :)

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Excellent! You would certainly be better than what’s on offer!

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Jun 28Liked by Scott Dikkers

Another good post. We all come up with great ideas. The people who succeed follow up the idea with hard work. And they keep working until it’s done. What’s the famous quote: “I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the luckier I get.”

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Or Obi-Wan Kenobi: “In my experience there’s no such thing as luck.”

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