Jun 26Liked by Scott Dikkers

A troll rings me and Dikkers swoops in like an angel with this post! Very helpful, thank you so much.

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Jun 26Liked by Scott Dikkers

Really good advice. I love the idea of developing confidence, loving the haters and maintaining control. A hater is often a bully, and a bully can't stand to be punched back or ridiculed. Having fun with it is always fun to watch, even though a heckler, like other bullies, is suffering his own private pain. When you're online, you get a lot of drive-by haters, and I have a "one strike and you're out" policy with them. The block option is my friend, or as we say in Tai Chi, "remove the target and lead them into emptiness."

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Scott Dikkers

I have a friend who has done many martial arts videos on YouTube and he gets flamed horribly by some vicious guys. I defended him in a comment once, because he is a truly nice guy, and the hatred and threats I got in response made me worry about these people's sanity. I contacted my friend and asked why he didn't just block those guys. He said, "That's okay. For every hater there are ten fans." He wasn't concerned, almost with the laid back attitude of a "live and let live" surfer dude. I'm not that nice.

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Your friend has the right idea! I'd like to see him move his ratio up, though.

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That's a good policy! Who's got time for other people's problems?

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Jun 26Liked by Scott Dikkers

great tips. what do you do if someone blocks you and you don’t understand why

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Anyone who blocks you is not in your audience, so they’re not your problem anymore. Forget about them and keep doing what you’re doing!

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Jun 27Liked by Scott Dikkers

God needs to be liked 😭 https://youtu.be/jkSHy9B71zY?si=YVExyZUTYE3uXf4_

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Absolutely - it’s in the Old Testament!

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Jun 27Liked by Scott Dikkers

Lightning bolt from finger, God.

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Jun 26Liked by Scott Dikkers

Love this!

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As always, great and thoughtful post!

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Jun 26Liked by Scott Dikkers

Earlier this year, I got paid $25 to make a humorous video for a social media account about finance. Most videos on that site got very few likes and most got no comments. My video got one comment: "Don't quit your day job." I didn't notice that until much later, and when I did, that was painful. But thanks for putting that in perspective. I'm going to consider it like a mosquito bite. Also, I think I did have about 50 followers on my comedy Instagram page by the time I saw that mean comment. So your theory checks out!

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Celebrate those 50 and shake your head in sympathy for the sad, broken man who wrote that.(I rightly assume it was a man.)

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Jun 26Liked by Scott Dikkers

Thank you for this so very much. As I read it, I realized that I was smiling and the feeling was something like delight. Aside from loving the haters (I'm not that evolved yet), I'm applying every one of those suggestions. I restacked it for others' edification.

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Thank you!

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I really enjoyed this post. I think I have a lot more indifferenters. I am inspired to hit the social some more

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Jun 28Liked by Scott Dikkers

Thank you!!

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Jun 27Liked by Scott Dikkers

You are right! Ha!

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I appreciate your comment about the importance of strangers as an audience. Previously I distributed my work primarily to family and friends. My goal this year, my first on Substack, is to FIND MY STRANGERS!

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Jun 27Liked by Scott Dikkers

Excellent. Thank you.

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Great info!!

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